Dana W. Mullins LMT
Massage for all ages and stages of life.

About Geriatric/Senior Massage

Geriatric massage


As people age, there appears to be a tendency to slow down, but this does not  necessarily have to be so. Many senior citizens are regularly physically active,  participating in leisure activities such as walking, bicycling, cross country  skiing, tennis or golf. Others are socially active, attending weekly dances,  volunteering with local organizations or playing with their grandchildren. The  unifying force in active seniors is their desire to move, be healthy and retain  their independence. Massage therapy supports seniors' desire to be pain free and  successful in their leisure pursuits, and promotes a healthful mind-body  harmony. Scroll to the bottom of the page for current articles from PubMed on the benefits of massage for Seniors.

Improved Circulation

According to the Mayo Clinic, improved circulation is  one of the many health benefits of massage. Improving circulation is  particularly important for seniors, who often possess suboptimal circulation.  This is especially true of diabetics, who frequently suffer circulation-related  foot and lower extremity problems. The website AltMedicineZone.com states that  massage therapy "offers improved blood circulation, which helps to prevent the  complications of diabetes like leg ulcers and gangrene."  Massage therapy also  significantly improves lymphatic flow, which assists toxin removal from the  body. Improved blood and lymph circulation can help seniors recover more quickly  from injury, and it helps increase their vitality.

Decreased Muscle and Joint Stiffness

Seniors commonly experience muscle and joint aches and  stiffness. Massage therapy, performed by a licensed massage therapist  specializing in geriatric massage, will use gentle techniques such as rubbing,  tapping, rolling, pressing and kneading to manipulate and mobilize senior's  aching muscles, tendons and joints, according to the website  Old-Age-Health-Tips.com. Massage therapy can also help improve seniors' joint  range of motion by reducing inflammation and pain around the joint, states the  website MassageTherapy101.com. Improved range of motion often translates into  improved ambulation and mobility, which can significantly improve a senior  citizen's quality of life.

Improved Outlook and Companionship

According to the website AltMedicineZone.com, massage  therapy can offer seniors relief from anxiety, depression, loneliness and  stress, and can boost self-esteem by restoring mobility. Seniors can also  benefit from the sense of camaraderie and companionship struck with their  massage therapist. A massage therapist specializing in geriatric care will be  particularly attune to seniors' need for companionship, and will work closely  with seniors to ensure they're deriving the maximum benefit, both physically and  psychologically, from their treatment. The simple act of human touch can have  profound effects on a seniors outlook, and can stir a sense of hope that  otherwise may be lacking in their lives.


 Read more about the benefits of Seniors Massage here: http://www.amtamassage.org/articles/3/MTJ/detail/2318

Or this exciting study from PubMed: Six weeks of massage therapy produces changes in balance, neurological and cardiovascular measures in older persons.

and read this for important information on Massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized dose-finding trial.